Author Archives: Derek Gurr

2024 BYU New Testament Commentary Conference: I Am a Disciple of Christ

This year’s BYU New Testament Commentary Conference, titled “I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ,” will be held on Friday, May 10, from 9 AM to 5 PM in the Harold B. Lee Library’s Reynolds Auditorium. Speakers are selected authors of the New Testament Commentary series. Attendance is free and tickets are not required.

You can view the full schedule here.

Essential Tools for Understanding the New Testament

Cover of Essential Tools for Understanding the New Testament.Essential Tools for Understanding the New Testament is now available!

This volume, edited by S. Kent Brown and Joshua M. Matson, provides a single resource for Latter-day Saints that illuminates the history and scholarship behind the sacred text of the New Testament.

A key mission of the BYU New Testament Commentary series is to make New Testament scholarship accessible to Latter-day Saints as they study this book of sacred scripture. As stated on the project’s website (, “With a rapidly growing number of studies on the New Testament, the time has come to offer a responsible, carefully researched, multi­volume commentary that illuminates both the historical and cultural settings as well as the linguistic heritage of this scripture for Latter-day Saints. A virtual river of discoveries during the past one hundred years in the Near Eastern and the Mediterranean regions highlights the need to bring together information that not only elucidates the New Testament documents but also unpacks their rich legacy for all readers.” While individual volumes in the series provide information about these discoveries as they relate to specific books of the New Testament, this volume provides a ­single resource for readers that illuminates the history and scholarship behind these sacred texts collectively. This volume sheds light on the historical and cultural settings of the New Testament and serves as a complement to the renditions and commentaries provided in each volume of the series. We invite you to study each chapter and become immersed in the world of the people and texts of the New Testament.

Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians Now Available

We are excited to announce the publication of a new book in the BYU New Testament Commentary Series: Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians. This book is the result of years of research by Richard D. Draper and Michael D. Rhodes.

Paul’s second epistle to the Corinthians is a rich and powerful text that addresses many issues that are relevant for Latter-day Saints today. Paul deals with topics such as forgiveness, hope, affliction, faith, service, leadership, and reconciliation. He also bears a strong witness of Jesus Christ and his gospel.

This book offers a comprehensive study of Paul’s epistle, based on the original Greek text and informed by the Latter-day Saint doctrine and teachings of modern prophets. It includes a new English version of the text that serves as a companion to the King James Version. It also provides extensive commentary that explains the historical and cultural background, the literary structure, and the doctrinal implications of Paul’s words.

This book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding and appreciation of Paul’s second epistle to the Corinthians. It will help readers to apply Paul’s teachings to their own lives and circumstances. It will also inspire them to follow Paul’s example of being faithful disciples of Jesus Christ in a challenging world.

Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians: A New Rendition (all versions free)